Finding Motivation During Challenging Times

Finding Motivation During Challenging Times

By: Kelsey Klaus  

As we all know these are unprecedented times and at points it can be hard to keep the same kind of motivation that we once had. There are no races on my calendar, no travel plans, no big race day goals to attain, but there are a few things that help me deal with the changes and become a better version of myself. 


Remember that you are lucky enough to get to move your body! 


This may seem simple, but for me it has a profound effect on my motivation. I think it is important to recall the times where you may have been injured. What did you want most when you were injured? If you’re like me, probably to get out and run or be active like you were preinjury. Focusing on this can really help you get reinvigorated to get out and move! Listen to your body and take advantage of a more low-key season where you get to just run, swim, bike for the fun of it.



Run Fast Run Fancy… literally 


My Instagram handle is RunFastRunFancy but it is also something that motivates me. I feel like a fun new outfit can make me run faster and with more confidence. I love to lay out my clothes for the next morning even when it is not a race. If I get everything ready how can I not go for a run?! It can be as simple as an awesome new Headsweats supervisor to get you excited for that next run. ( If you love what you workout in you will most likely be motivated to get moving more often. 



Set Non-Race Related Goals  


I am a huge goal person and for me I loved having a calendar full of races to train for! This year I have had to transition to my own personal goals to keep me showing up every day. I chose to focus on preventing injury by stretching regardless of the length of the work out, I chose to set a goal to cross train once a week on my bike, and to run a long run over 5 miles every Sunday. These goals have kept me training, motivated, and loving the run!  


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