COVID-19 Info
We are committed to ensuring the health and safety of all Headsweats employees to continue supplying world-class outstanding service and top performance gear.
To Our Headsweats Employees
For more than 22 years, we have focused intently on providing our employees with the best working conditions and remain steadfast in that focus during COVID-19.
At Headsweats, our team is made up of enthusiastic athletes, outdoor lovers, working individuals, responsible parents and passionate community members; whom we all are trying to navigate a new normal. With that in mind, we’ve implemented new work from home policies as well as safety protocols to protect our employees at work. This includes plexiglass barriers in our facilities, floor markers, masks and face shields for all employees, temperature checks, health screenings, contact tracing, additional paid time off and more.
As the situation evolves, we expect to introduce more safety measures with an ongoing commitment to protect employees and lower the risk of infection.
Our employees are our strongest asset. Because of that, we continue to take proactive steps to maintain a safe workplace while also considering how to best ensure the continuity of business operations to meet customer needs.
Our Contribution to the Community:
We are proud to offer a reversible, reusable, non-medical Face Mask to help our community follow safety regulations and CDC guidelines. Headsweats has been giving back to our community; for every Headsweats face mask purchased on our website from April until end of July (in-stock), we are donating one to a non-for-profit that supports areas affected most by the virus: Grassroots Aid Partnership (A not-for-profit organization with a vision to help communities affected most due to the coronavirus pandemic by providing healthy and nutritious food). We have already donated over 1,000 masks and we have over 5,000 additional masks being produced to support this great cause. Read our latest press release for more information.

Our Contribution to YOU:
As we continue to navigate through a new normal, we will be offering some great deals that include, Free Shipping or featured flash sales, along with other offers to help you #stayactive. If you are a business, club or part of a team and you are interested in custom wholesale orders, we offer, low minimums, fast turnaround times, and great prices, contact us today.
We are dealing with unprecedented times as the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to impact communities around the world. Our thoughts are with all individuals who are personally affected by this virus, the medical professionals who are on the frontlines of this pandemic, and all those who continue to service our daily lives. Headsweats is committed to enhancing our safety measures, green practices, and always going the distance for a better planet.
Be Safe, #reopensafely #stayactive #gettingbettertogether & Thank You!